This week seem to be an horrible week.
I found out Monday that not only was infected and had minor scratchs on it it was also a sign of lupus, plus all the other symptoms I have been having.
On top of that my car completely gave up on me today. So I had to get it tow to the shop. Later I found out that the starter was completely fried and I needed an oil change. All this came up to the grand total of 500 bucks.
It wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't for the fact I need books and I was suppose to get books with that money. But with out a car I can't work nor go to school I need to find out a way to get the books I need.
maybe rob a bank or something on that lines? (Joking,lmao)
Wednesday, January 27, 2010
When things go bad they go sour quick
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Hair update

So after months and months of long deep conditioner and relaxer stretches and taking 4-5 hours of doing my hair on a weekly basis the is finally healthy and i plan on keeping it that way. And that mean weekly deep conditioner and weekly/ bi weekly trips to the salon.
lol me and my daughter where having way to much fun taking these:
Monday, January 11, 2010
Dear ……. ,
When can one say enough is enough?
That one can say that they are satisfy in a relationship or not?
That a person does not need to question the other person wants or needs?
Everyone has something different that they are looking for, even if it is just temporary or time being.
I have been in the situation where I have felt like things were going to work in a relationship, and other times where I would just wanted to say fuck it and disappear off the face of the earth , never to seen again by his eyes or any ones else for that matter of fact. Maybe I am going to change, maybe I am going to want and need more and at that point my feeling towards you , about us will change. Maybe down the road your feelings will change. However, at this point in time I am content on the way things are and don't need to be question about what my so called needs are and who are going to meet them.