It's hard to imagine that i have been sick for the past couple of days whats been saving me is my ps3 and my ipod. I am so amaze what my playstation can do i can watch all my youtube videos , anime, and check all of you guys post. The only thing that i am missing is a wireless keyboard so i can do some real typing on it.
Playstation Home is alot of fun also. its almost like playing second life ( at least thats what i heard). I enjoy meeting people , and playing games with them. The only down side that i have found is that you have to pay, yes i did say pay, for furinture in ur "apartment". lol i am a cheap a$$ motherfluker(LOL and yes i did spell that wrong on purpose).i cant imagine speeding money on that when i dont want to spend money on a healthy texture membership, know i am not dissing healthy textures or anything like that ,but paying $10 month for membership is way to much. i rather put that money into a savings account or use it to buy some products or see a stylist.
okay ladies what is the one thing that helps the time past while you are sick?
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