Wednesday, September 2, 2009

What is a sister suppose to do

I cant believe i am starting at yet another school trying to graduate and get my life on track. I actucally like this program and the instrutors. Well i should say that the only thing that i dont like/ love is the fact that my therory class is all in the afternoon. 12-4:30. in addition to the fact that i have to leave my school right after to make sure that i pick up my little girl on time..
well i cant complain free is free and a sister wasnt going to go to a school where she needed to pay.
I am going to finsh this year with A+ nothing more and nothing less. I cant believe the amount of studying that i have done in the pass week and a half. I dont even feel like it is tutore to read this stuff. i am actucally reading this stuff and cant wait to apply it to everyday life. Right now, I cant wait to crack open my computer and look at its insides.
Did i forget to mention that I graduted from my CNA program to weeks ago :