Monday, December 6, 2010


Hey guys,
Make sure to follow my daughters hair blog, Luscious Hair. We are hosting our first giveaway.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What time is it?... Oh Hell no

Okay readers what time is just to late for an "unexpected" visitor to come to your place of resident. 
Personal I feel like anything past 8 is pushing it. I say 8 only because I am at the house alone with my daughter most of the time. And I have to get her ready and off to bed, and pack lunch,etc. 
Now the reason I ask is because an ex of mine decided to come to my house at 11 o'clock @ night. First off I aint talking to the guy. Second off I told him that I wanted nothing to do with him. He rang my door bell and call my phone repeatedly. I guess if people dont take you serious then you have to show them yourself..... And thats another story to tell well at least til tomorrow
Sometimes you just got to say you don't now what you want.
And thats how i truly feel.I don't know what i want with this guy.One moment everything is all fine and the next second i want to yell at him. It seems he nows what to, but he just aint doing or doing it half hearty.
Him --baby you want to go to a couple retreat; Its in December, in the Poconos, and it seems decent price?
Me --Sure just give me the date so i can clear my schedule and make sure everything is okay.
Him-- Sure as soon as I get off the phone.
Weeks past and nothing. Sometimes i wonder if he truly wants to be with me other times I feel like i don't care, and that what bother me the most. I feel like i have become content with him, and then on the other hand I feel like nobody else knows me better. I have express feeling to him that no one else has known. I don't keep anything from him and he knows all my dirty little secrets. Which I have to admit is a big one up, I feel like no matter how crazy I get he will always be by my side to hold my hand and guide me through the darkness that might shadow over my life.
However, the other part of me feels that IF I ever decide to end things things might get ugly and we might not speak to each other for months or years like last time. I can't even phathom the thought of him being with another woman. It feels like a dragger being plunge through my chest. I cant understand why he makes me feel this why: love,hate, love, hate, love...
   If he ever decides to get serious and pay me all the attention that I desire and need. I can see myself changing and only loving one man until I take my last breathe but until then I am unsure about who is suppose to be my soulmate.

Friday, November 5, 2010

So things are getting complicated

With this relationship hitting the 8 month mark. I am trying to figure out what i really want. He seems like the perfect guy for me: we like the same things and want the same same things he is loving and caring and a great father figure to my daughter. So why is it i am feeling like i don't want to be with him at times and I think I figure it out.
I don't want to have anymore kids. Ones enough I know that he wants to have at least one more. However, I just want to spoil my daughter and his son. I think it can work out perfectly just the way it is. In addition, if things don't work out I don't want to raise another child by myself. I mean i know he is going to be around  but he doesn't have a career. He works but nothing that I consider that would be long term or where he can grow from it. I must admit I know what I like. And I have plans in the next 3 years to better myself and get off of other people helping me.
From an non relationship stand point i look at him and see nothing. I mean everyone has ruff stops in their lives but we are suppose to grow and learn from it. It just seems that he is in the same spot as two years ago, and that is not in the finical stable that i would suspect a man his age to be in, I mean I know I can change him in that area but yesh. Sometimes I feel like i will have to sign a prenuptial if we ever got marry. Well, i shouldn't say that i feel like i would have to sign one with anybody I get married too.
And that brings me to another point I also feel like I don't want to get married. The thought of being tied down to another man for the rest of my life, and unbelievable. I KNOW how man are, and i know how i am and i don't think there is a man on earth that can handle me. I'm wild and I do admit that enough is never enough in my head.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

okay okay

I am restarting my year of CNSA (computer network and system administration). I am already two classes in and starting the third class on Monday. I must say this year is so much easier then last year,I have both B's in the two classes. I hink this is all due to me not working.I feel  thigs are better this whykm 

Things are ruff financial wise. But me and my daughter are learning to get through with much less. I must admit I dont miss working but i do miss the checks, and also the weekend shopping trips to NY. Now I don't really lie to my daughter,she has been wondering why I am home all the time now. And i just tell her that i am going back to school to become a Computer tech. She is so excited that i am not going to be a nurse anymore. And her only reason for this is  because she cant live with the fact of having a nurse for a mom because she would be to afraid that i am going to give her a shot when she is not looking

 Karma had also started school this year and she is loving every second of it. She loves riding the bus.making new friend , packing lucnh, and bring home new books to read.  We also have a schedule where we are both in the public library where she gets to run around and look at books and I get to some studying in. 

Monday, July 26, 2010

Under Construction

you guys are going to see some lot of changes going around to this blog... So dont worry i know what im doing.

Friday, July 23, 2010

"You are a very spontaneous person"

Ha, that is what my boyfriend told me over the phone the other night. Ans i do admit i am a spontaneous person:
  • i decide to go with blond kinky twist just for the hell of it 
  • i seen him on just a splurge one day because i felt like it 
  • i get my daughter and i up in the morning and we just drive in anywhere i feel like it 
But my question to him: is why the hell not? I mean who wants to wake up every morning doing the same thing? I am lucky enough to have a job that allows me to work 7 days on and have the next 7 days off. So, I have the urge to do something with my time,
I know in the next couple of weeks when school starts back up that i will be going to school 5 days a week and then working the same 7 on/ off schedule during the night. Things are going to be crazy and I know that my time with my daughter is going to be limited and that the next time we are going to have some quality time is when thanksgiving break comes and when school ends for both me and her.
Sometimes I get him and other times i want to tell him to shut the hell up and let me enjoy the rest of my summer vacation..... Yesh

Tuesday, July 20, 2010




Okay I dating a new guy, and I am loving it things couldn't be more perfect it is also like finding your soul mate after looking for so long. Okay down to the details we have been for approximately for 3-4 months, he is an overall good man; he works takes care and makes time for him.

This past weekend we spent the weekend escaping from our daily routine of taking the kids out for the weekend. We spent the whole weekend in
Philadelphia. We drunk watch a little TV and got to see "Inception" and had dinner together. At dinner, we talked about our past, present, and further; all our fears and faults in a relationship. The more we talk the more the more I started to see how much I loved him and how we alike and he takes my breath away. We do have a lot of things in common from our past time hobbies to where with each little thing he does. He is just so loving and caring that it truly does feel nice that we are together

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Sometimes in life

you have to enjoy the simple things in life like a piece of ice cream cake.

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

We are snowed in at york,pa at a hotel. All i want to do is go home now.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

When things go bad they go sour quick

This week seem to be an horrible  week.
I found out Monday that not only was infected and had minor scratchs on it it was also a sign of lupus, plus all the other symptoms  I have been having.
On top of that my car completely gave up on me today. So I had to get it tow to the shop. Later I found out that the starter was completely fried and I needed an oil change. All this came up to the grand total of 500 bucks.
It wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't for the fact I need books and I was suppose to get books with that money. But with out a car I can't work nor go to school I need to find out a way to get the books I need.
maybe rob a bank or something on that lines? (Joking,lmao)

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Hair update

So after months and months of long deep conditioner and relaxer stretches and taking 4-5 hours of doing my hair on a weekly basis the is finally healthy and i plan on keeping it that way. And that mean weekly deep conditioner and weekly/ bi weekly trips to the salon.
lol me and my daughter where having way to much fun taking these:

Monday, January 11, 2010

Dear ……. ,

When can one say enough is enough?

That one can say that they are satisfy in a relationship or not?

That a person does not need to question the other person wants or needs?

Everyone has something different that they are looking for, even if it is just temporary or time being.

I have been in the situation where I have felt like things were going to work in a relationship, and other times where I would just wanted to say fuck it and disappear off the face of the earth , never to seen again by his eyes or any ones else for that matter of fact. Maybe I am going to change, maybe I am going to want and need more and at that point my feeling towards you , about us will change. Maybe down the road your feelings will change. However, at this point in time I am content on the way things are and don't need to be question about what my so called needs are and who are going to meet them.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

So 2010 is here

its time for a change, i should be alot more well of but i am not. So i decided to look back at 2009 and d