Sunday, August 26, 2012

Maintain a Single Parent Household PT.... The Tote Bag

I have a bag I use for remembering the simple little things. I pack it the night before for next day use.
I include my rented movies, library books. Basically anything that need to be returned the next day.
My daughter has sevarel bags. I know you are reading this and thinking why she needs more then one. She has a lot of extra school activites. It is why her to have things sperated and packed on a weekend for the whole week. 

She has a dance bag which has her tap shoes, slippers,leotard, thights, extra pair of socks and a sweater. Her swim bag that has her bathing suit, a towel, shampoo and condish, soap and some scrunhies and a cover up. And her bag for violin lessons which just contains her book and a shoulder rest. With her bags I can just throw it in to the back of car, so I don't have nothing to think about.
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Saturday, August 25, 2012

How to save on kids clothing

Hey guys. I just wanted to give you guys a few tips on my back to school shopping and saving. 

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Maintianing a Single Parent Household... Part 1

Master Calendar...
If you got a lot appointments, kids, activities and what not. This is perfect.
A master calander has save a lot of time and hassle. If you know what to do.
My tips for a master calender is to hang it were you can you will see it everyday.
And check it twice a day, once in the morning and once at night.
Make sure you mark everything down on it that's important. Appts, plays, pratices, anything that you need to do.
Color code it. Give a color for each kid, a color for bills, a even one for the pets.
I have two master calenders. I have my google and one I have on the fridge.
I love my google calender, because of the simple fact that if I have my phone I have my calenders. I have a widget on my phone that shows my calender on my home screen. So everytime I look at my phone I see what is planned for the day.
It is very easy to set up and you have many different functions that you can use. You can set things to repeat, add yearly checks up , etc. You can also print this in the beging of each month and hang it on the fridge and add more stuff when you home.
The second thing I like about it is the option to share it. You can see how important this might be, espically if you have kids, and a signficant other. Everyone, can add and change it so this is an awesome feature that I love...Karma has her own calendar that I share with my sister.And she is kept up to date with what appointments that Karma might have.