Friday, July 22, 2011

Lil k

This is here 9 th chemo therepay treatmeant.. and everything seems to be going well.
Like always, she hasn't been seeing any side affects with the treatments. This is enough for me to say thank the Lord...
But lately I can seee how the LCH is effecting her not on a medical I am sick type of way but the way she is.
She believes there is nothing that she could do. That this injury of hers is changing her life for the worst. Which is not the case. I try to explain to her that yes there are somethings that she can't do but their are still things that she can do and this is all temparory.
  This time of year she would be out playing with here friends, trip every weekend to the amusement park...
But she doesn't feel like doing all that stuff because she feels weak at times. So what am I suppose to do?
I make my plan of attack and started to excute it.... so form this point on we had plan the imori not bummer summer ( and yes we had got this idea from the movie).
The plan is to plan activitys that are fun and thilliring that is cheap or ecomically, and at the same time cut down the time she spends watching tv. The plan is to not spend more then 30 dollars per week on these activity and go out at least twice a week with her...the goal is to use stuff that we already have, have free access to and whatever ... That's not inculding gas... we are going to local fairs, librarys, fairs, expo what ever we find fun at the same time of being cheap....
If you have any ideas please post them. I would love to here from you all. Also make sure to check out my daughters site ...