Wednesday, January 27, 2010

When things go bad they go sour quick

This week seem to be an horrible  week.
I found out Monday that not only was infected and had minor scratchs on it it was also a sign of lupus, plus all the other symptoms  I have been having.
On top of that my car completely gave up on me today. So I had to get it tow to the shop. Later I found out that the starter was completely fried and I needed an oil change. All this came up to the grand total of 500 bucks.
It wouldn't be that bad if it wasn't for the fact I need books and I was suppose to get books with that money. But with out a car I can't work nor go to school I need to find out a way to get the books I need.
maybe rob a bank or something on that lines? (Joking,lmao)

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