Monday, January 11, 2010

Dear ……. ,

When can one say enough is enough?

That one can say that they are satisfy in a relationship or not?

That a person does not need to question the other person wants or needs?

Everyone has something different that they are looking for, even if it is just temporary or time being.

I have been in the situation where I have felt like things were going to work in a relationship, and other times where I would just wanted to say fuck it and disappear off the face of the earth , never to seen again by his eyes or any ones else for that matter of fact. Maybe I am going to change, maybe I am going to want and need more and at that point my feeling towards you , about us will change. Maybe down the road your feelings will change. However, at this point in time I am content on the way things are and don't need to be question about what my so called needs are and who are going to meet them.

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