Friday, July 23, 2010

"You are a very spontaneous person"

Ha, that is what my boyfriend told me over the phone the other night. Ans i do admit i am a spontaneous person:
  • i decide to go with blond kinky twist just for the hell of it 
  • i seen him on just a splurge one day because i felt like it 
  • i get my daughter and i up in the morning and we just drive in anywhere i feel like it 
But my question to him: is why the hell not? I mean who wants to wake up every morning doing the same thing? I am lucky enough to have a job that allows me to work 7 days on and have the next 7 days off. So, I have the urge to do something with my time,
I know in the next couple of weeks when school starts back up that i will be going to school 5 days a week and then working the same 7 on/ off schedule during the night. Things are going to be crazy and I know that my time with my daughter is going to be limited and that the next time we are going to have some quality time is when thanksgiving break comes and when school ends for both me and her.
Sometimes I get him and other times i want to tell him to shut the hell up and let me enjoy the rest of my summer vacation..... Yesh

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